Nardos Demere Melaku 19-March-2020

The current and ever occurring pandemic/PLAGUE is not new to humanity. From the beginning, human expansion and settlements people have been faced/ subjected to various diseases and infections that have ranging effects in magnitude. Similarly, the responses to these issues have been relatively considerable. The developments of medicines and preventive measures have evolved for millennia tremendously both scientifically and traditionally.
Simultaneously, people in various parts of the world have come across the God, the Creator and sustainer of the universe. These connections created a clear path on how to live life without compromising the natural environment and the order of life. The Bible has ensured this, which is the most comprehensive divine book that guides humanity through life without and confusion. The Bible has been a model for :-
-     Creating Constant communion with God
-     Origin, morality, meaning and destiny
-     The development of constitutions throughout our lives
-     As environmental conservation guide by giving humanity full authority
-     Tackling pandemics/plagues whenever they occur
-     Understanding ideas and occurrences that are beyond humanity
-     Coexisting peacefully among people of any background
-     Know what’s good and evil … … … ..
Our era has created a large portion of people who are abandoning the ultimate reality of God and His creation entirely by replacing it with void and weak entities. For example, people are depending on science and technology so much that they forget the large gap and weaknesses it has to be entirely depend. Abandoning God and the Bible is a very costly life process that can and will bring the world to its knees.
Currently, we have the Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) has been termed a pandemic, which the Bible terms plague has brought the world to its knees. No matter the effort, there has been no cure or vaccine until this article is written on March 19, 2020. The global devastation is across the globe with every human activity frozen. The number of infected people is nearly 250,000 and those who died is about 10,000. 
Since the dependency on physical understanding has overwhelmed the solution to be expected from God, the best labs and research centers are working sleeplessly to develop both the cure and the vaccine. Those who have read the scriptures deeply and know where the solution is are also conducting their day actions equally.
After all, when God finishes sending His message and fulfilling the prophecies, the plague will be healed and life will restart as is we were created again by getting out of the shadows. He who has created the universe knows each detail both the visible and the invisible. Hence keeping and obeying His commandments is the best way to live healthy and uncompromised without succumbing to any plague or disease that we know cannot be or couldn’t be healed medically so far. He gave us brains that can handle complex problems to some extent, and beyond that level we cannot do anything other than pray because the solution is beyond our physical knowledge and wit.



We have been given everything on the plant to use as we please but with restrictions. This is because the eco system balances itself in its own natural way without interference. In the Book of Leviticus we are clearly instructed what to eat and what not to eat (Leviticus Chapter 11).


The accumulation of sin and transgression has to be checked regularly by pandemics that humans don't understand such as Covid-19 and other related diseases that are killing tens of millions of people per year. When sin overlaps righteousness, the cosmic balance is upset and that requires correction since it accelerates the occurrence of Biblical events. I personally do not want to list the magnitudes and types of sins that we are committing.


The Book of Revelation is our map to trace the matrix of life and understand transcending events that are occurring in our universe. Our ability is limited in space, time, and matter where we cannot even understand our bodies. That is why cancer is claiming tens of millions of lives every year. In addition, here we have now the COVID-19.
Revelation Chapter 6 tells us clearly the opening of the Seven Seals by Jesus Christ and their impact in our lives. The Gospel of Mathew chapter 24 also adds similar knowledge. For instance; Rev 6 : 7-8  When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine, and PLAGUE, and by the wild beasts of the earth.
Ignorance is never bliss and has no defense, hence following the global pattern and biblical implications is very vital to curb such crises. This is because the bible does not just tell us the problems we are going to encounter, but also the solutions to them.  


God has given us a brain that does miracles. Science and technology has gone as far as understanding of the spinning electrons and the spinning galaxies and from super nova to quantum particles. Nevertheless, our knowledge is limited by design in order to protect us from madness and our pride that ends up in the soil. This limit is unlocked through ten levels of righteousness, which are divine tests we must undergo.     
The bible provides information about everything and that information is our knowledge that consequently becomes power, which we harness to live in accordance. For example, monasteries in Ethiopia heal any physical illnesses without payment or surgeries with only faith from the person the ailments include cancer of any type, HIV/AIDS, exorcism, anything beyond human understanding. This idea to some people sounds foolish because of their spiritual blindness and animalistic lifestyle.
Therefore, once we acknowledge certain problems are beyond our can, and then we should know whom to turn to without doubt. It only takes maximum humility and little faith to solve extremely complex problems and understand mysteries. From here, God will reveal the solutions those who are working day and night in the labs to help humanity get out of crises such as pandemics and other deadly ailments that we are suffering from. He will also order back the pathogens to their respective habitats to live in peace. 


That arrogance of humanity has gone as far as "there is no God", and this insult cannot go unanswered. If the whole world has put its head and every resource together to understand and kill a tiny virus has failed for centuries, how do we expect to understand the being of God? Like I said earlier, our physical existence is limited in space, time, and matter, we only perceive everything within our body, and machines reach. Beyond there, even the physical aspect is illusive and subject to estimations that are prone to error.    
Human knowledge is limited to only 10% of our physical existence with a lot of hard work and dedication i.e. Einstein or Tesla. Meaning 90% of what we hear and attempt to comprehend is beyond our reach, hence are transcendent. The three dimensional or 3D-existence is contained with weaknesses such as illness, fatigue, and death. And lately, quarantine and social isolations. It is with this limitation and weakness that we are trying to fight microbes and body anomalies that have proved transcendent without divine intervention. 
As curiosity grows more to unlock the secrets of life and the universe, the avenue gets narrower and narrower. This is a very critical stage of a human because the turning point can lead to either constructive or distractive life paths. The next 10% of life’s mystery and reality is philosophically a Metaphysics stage. Meaning, it is no longer in the physically tangible reality but of beyond the physical as the term Metaphysics indicates. This stage is achieved spiritually by either living a righteous life through love for everyone, prayers or fasting. On the other hand, in charm schools by conducting sorcery, incantations and by performing any other magic spells that enable one to summon the fallen angels.
The remaining 80% is only acquired through absolute righteousness that has 10 levels. Each level comes with a reward that lets the person grow spiritually, see the invisible, defy gravity, transcend space-time-matter and rise to the heavens without limit. Once someone gets to the 10th level of righteousness, he/she gets to 100% knowledge level and understands everything in the universe except those that are only for God.


In conclusion, humanity is blessed with a rich and complete planet with everything we need such as food, shelter, clothing, medicine, and luxury if needed. We are also tasked to use everything on earth appropriately with clear instructions and commandments. To undertake the task successfully, we all have a soul, and that is what makes us who we are for that is the breathe of God, our thinking and reasoning. Let us live a life of reality by acknowledging our strength and weakness, our reach and limits so that we can create balance and harmony with our physical being and spiritual soul. In every endeavor to live a good and healthy life, let us remember the Creator and Sustainer of the universe for He holds the password of our DNA. Happiness, good health, and everlasting life are all in our hands and let us live a life with faith, hope, and love; God will deliver us.
 ወስብሐት ለእግዚአብሔር!
             Glory be to God!

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