Thursday 15 August 2019



sacrament is a Christian rite recognized as of particular importance and significance. There are various views on the existence and meaning of such rites. Many Christians consider the sacraments to be a visible symbol of the reality of God, as well as a means by which God enacts his grace
The sacraments are sacred rituals, instituted (or at least approved) by Jesus, in which God’s grace is instilled by the Holy Spirit.
These sacraments are mysteries because the invisible grace of the Holy Spirit is granted through them. The seven sacraments are:-
3.Holy Communion     
7.Unction of the Sick

Proverbs 9 

1.Wisdom has built her house; she has set up[a] its seven pillars.
2. She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine; she has also set her table.
3. She has sent out her servants, and she calls
from the highest point of the city,
4.“Let all who are simple come to my house!” To those who have no sense she says,
5. “Come, eat my food and drink the wine I have mixed.
Leave your simple ways and you will live;
    walk in the way of insight.”
Of the seven, the six sacraments can be performed by a bishop and a priest. Ordination is conferred by a bishop only.

Of the seven sacraments, Baptism is the first. Baptism is the sacrament through which we are reborn and enter the kingdom of God. (Jn 3:5). Baptism has a Biblical basis (Mt. 28:19-20).

Through Baptism, sin is forgiven (Acts 2:8). Cleansing and blessing is attained through baptism. (1Pet. 3:21; Tit. 3:5-6).
In our church, we baptize children in the Old Testament children were considered as people of the convenient after they were circumcised.
In the New Testament, children are baptized in their infancy and become members of the family of Christ. God has never isolated children from his grace. For example, Jeremiah was blessed while he was in the womb of his mother. (Jer. 1:5). John the Baptist was likewise filled with the Holy Spirit while in the womb of his mother (Lk. 1:15).

It is the holy ointment that one is anointed after Baptism. Confirmation like Baptism is performed once and cannot be repeated through the sacrament of confirmation, the believer is granted the gift of the Holy Spirit. In the apostolic times, the baptized person was granted the Holy Spirit by the laying of the hands. (Acts 20:14-17).

When the church expanded, however, the bishops who continued the works of the Apostles permitted the replacement of the laying of hands by the anointing of the Holy oil.
The gift of the Holy Spirit with Myron, confirmation, has Biblical foundation. The believer is anointed with the Holy Oil immediately after Baptism. When the Apostles baptized children and grownups, the baptized person was granted the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 8:14-17; 19:5-6)

Children should be anointed with Myron as soon as they are baptized so that they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Bible confirms that let alone after birth, there were children who were granted the Holy Spirit while they were still in the wombs of their mothers. (LK. 1:15; Jer. 1:1-8). 
The right to anoint was originally confined to the apostles but later passed on to bishops, and then priests were also authorized to administer the sacrament.


Holy Communion is the culmination of all sacraments of the church. Holy Communion means offering of sacrifice. This is not an offering of man to God but the offering of God for man. The sheep and goats were offered as sacrifices in the altars during the Old Testament times. However, these were preceding examples of the offering of the flesh and blood of Christ during the New Testament.


This is the sacrament through which the clergy are entitled to perform the various services of the church. This sacrament has biblical basis. (Mt. 28:19, 20; Eph. 4:11; Acts 26:20).
There are three hierarchical ranks of ordination. These are deacon, priest, and bishop.

i) Deacon

a) Deacons are ordained into this order before marriage.
b) After marriage, the deacons become priests but if they wish to be monks and be ordained priests, they have to remain celibate.
c) The duty of the deacons is to assist priests and bishops.
d) They are ordained by bishops 

e) In our church, there are three ranks under the deacon hood, which qualify one to serve the church. These ranks are conferred through blessing and not by the laying of hands.
f) No payment is made for receiving any of the ordinations. (Acts 8:18-26).
g) Ordination is not attained through inheritance but through a calling of the Holy Spirit and in accordance with the canons of the church. 

     2. Priest
The order of priesthood is conferred either after marriage. Alternatively, after becoming a monk. He can perform all the sacraments except, conferring ordination, consecration of the holy oil used for sacrament of confirmation, consecration of the altar, the Ark of the Covenant, new church and new vessels. If he becomes a priest in celibacy, he can attain the rank of bishop; but if he is married, he will be limited to the rank of priesthood. A priest is ordained by the laying of hands and the breath of a bishop. 

3. Bishop 
This rank is conferred on a clergy who has restricted himself in celibacy. He is consecrated by all the members of the Holy Synod but in times of difficulties, he is consecrated by the laying of hands and breathe of at least two bishops. Besides administering all the sacraments of the church, he is a church leader and an overseer of the general affairs of the church. 

Those who are ordained as bishops must fulfill the following requirements.
They should be-  

•Of good health                                                     

•Well educated to defend and profess their faith                     
•Of exemplary behavior                                                        
Only males                                                   
Ordination is not repeated or renewed. Both those who re-ordain or are preordained are reconsecrated from their ordination. (Canon of the Apostles 68). Christ chose a certain number of persons for the Holy ordination. (Lk. 6:12, 13:Jn.20: 19-25).

He also gave them special authority not given to others. (Mt. 18:18).
Before his ascension, Christ promised them that he will always be with them to the end of the world. (Mt. 28:20). He also appointed them with all ranks. (Lk. 24:51).
When Judas left his apostolic ministry, the apostles held a syndical meeting and chose Matthias as a replacement, (Acts 1:15-26). 

 Christian marriage is one of the seven sacraments, which is performed in a church by means of which the grace of the Holy Spirit is obtained. Holy matrimony is based on the bible. (Gen. 1:27, 28, 2:18; Mt. 19:4-6). 
The canon of the church requires that before matrimony is affected the following conditions should be met.
1. Both couples should be Christians to obtain the grace of God.

2. Both should belong the Orthodox Tewahido Church. If any one of them is not a member, he/she should first be a member of the church.
3. No pre - marital sexual relationship is permitted.
4. Both should consent to be united in marriage.
5. No marriage is allowed within seven generation so as not to break the rule of kinship that forbids marriage between close family relations. (Lev. 18:6-21; Deut. 7:3-4).
6. As the marriage of Christians epitomizes the unity between Christ and the church, is shall not be broken. (Eph. 5:32).
7. In our church one to one to one marriage only is allowed.
8. re-marriage cannot be conducted by any one of the two partners unless divorce is affected because of adultery or one of the partners dies. (Mt. 19:6-9).
9. The sacrament of matrimony is celebrated by bishops and priest.
10. Matrimony is not performed without Holy Communion. (Fetha Negest Article 24:899).
11. Parents should be consulted and their consent should be sacred. 


Penance means to feel remorse, repent, and cleanse oneself from sin. Although Christians are reborn through Baptism, men are liable to commit sins. Therefore:

- Every Christian should have a father confessor (soul - father)
-Everyone should go to the father - confessor and confess his her sins. (Lev. 14:31, Mt. 8:4; Epiphanies Faith of Fathers Hai. Ab. 59:20). Those who confess their sins and return to God receive the grace of God and by receiving the Holy Communion the will enter to their former place of honor. 
Confessions and remissions are performed only by bishops or priests penance is based on the bible. (Mt. 16:8; 4). The confession of the penitent made in from of the father confessor and the tears shed for the sins committed will enable them to be reinvented by the Holy Spirit. (Liturgy of Athanasius). Penance is one of the sacraments that are repeated.

The main objectives of the teachings starting from the prophets, of John the Baptism; our lord Jesus Christ Himself and his disciples the apostles is to enable people to inherit the kingdom of God through repentance, "Repent ye: for the Kingdom of God is at hand, "On the basis of this truth, the church teaches the need and virtue of penance. (Mt. 3:1-2, 4:17;  


It is one of the seven sacraments of the church. It is an anointment administered to the sick. It has biblical origin and is administered by bishops and priests. (Mk. 6:13; Jas. 5:13-15). 
 In our church, since unction is proffered to cleanse sins of the flesh as well as of the soul, unction is administered to one who afflicted by sin. Unction is performed by bishops and priests.
Each of the seven sacraments has its own book of prayer and system of application. The seven sacraments as a whole are considered as manifestations of the faith and tenets of the religion of the church.      

These sacraments are all performed in the church. However, it is not also forbidden if they are performed elsewhere as and when conditions are met. The main aim of all the sacraments is to redeem mankind.

ወስብሐት ለእግዚአብሔር!
Glory be to God!

Friday 9 August 2019



The Christian faith is the most coherent worldview around.
Everyone:  - pantheist,
              - atheist,
              - skeptic,
              - polytheist
has to answer these questions:

Pantheism : a religious belief that includes the entire universe in its idea of God. A person who follows the religious doctrine of pantheism believes that God is all around us, throughout the whole universe. ... In Greek, pan means "all" and theos means "god".
  • The doctrine that God is the transcendent reality of which the material universe and human beings are only manifestations: it involves a denial of God's personality and expresses a tendency to identify God and nature.
  • Any religious belief or philosophical doctrine that identifies God with the universe.
  • Many traditional and folk religions including African traditional religions and Native American religions can be seen as pantheistic, or a mixture of pantheism and other doctrines such as polytheism and animism. According to pantheists, there are elements of pantheism in some forms of Christianity

An Atheist: -  a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.

A Skeptic:   - a person inclined to question or doubt accepted opinions.
               - a person who questions the validity or authenticity of something purporting to be factual. a person who maintains a doubting attitude, as toward values, plans, statements, or the character of others. a person who doubts the truth of a religion, especially Christianity, or of important elements of it.

A Polytheist :- Polytheism, the belief in many gods. Polytheism characterizes virtually all religions other than Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which share a common tradition of monotheism, the belief in one God.


Where did I come from?   
What is life’s meaning? 
How do I define right from wrong? 
What happens to me when I die? 
  • Those are the fulcrum points of our existence. Ideal with cultural issues whether they be in the Middle East, Far East, the Orient or the West.
  • You broach questions in the context of their culture and then present Christian answers.
Origin  – Where do we come from?
Meaning – Why are we here?
Morality – What’s right and what’s wrong?
Destiny – Where are we going?

ወስብሐት ለእግዚአብሔር!                                              Glory be to God!

To be continued............................................................!

Tuesday 30 July 2019


The following are the ten stages/levels to righteousness / ዐሥሩ ማዕረጋት የሚባሉትም የሚከተሉት ናቸው፡፡
    1.   ጽማዌ /Diverting Attention/Ignoring the World and its Chaos
    2.   ልባዌ/Maturity/Consciousness/Seeking Knowledge and Wisdom
    3.   ጣዕመ ዝማሬ/The Chants and Hymns
    4.   አንብዕ(አንብዐ ንስሐ)/ Tears of penance (repentance)
    5.   ኩነኔ/ The gift of autonomy
    6.   ፍቅር / The gift of love
    7.   ሑሰት / The gift of omnipresence
    8.   ንጻሬ መላእክት / The stage of seeing angels 
    9.   ተሰጥሞ /Complete immersion of the soul into light/absolute purity of the heart is reached
   10. ከዊነ እሳት/ The ability to see God in his mysterious existence of Holy Trinity (assuming the form of fire/God’s holy fire of light)

THE TEN LEVELS ARE DIVIDED IN TO THREE MAJOR PARTS/ እነዚህ ቅዱሳን የደረሱበት ዐሥሩ ማዕረጋት በሦስት ዋና ክፍሎች ይከፈላሉ፡፡
                       I.      የንጽሐ ሥጋ/ GLORIOUS REWARDS FOR THE CHASTITY OF BODY
                   III.      የንጽሐ ልቡና/THE CLEAN IN THE HEART(THE PERFECT ONES)

I.  የንጽሐ ሥጋ ማዕረጋት ሦስት ናቸው እነሱም/The glorious rewards for the chastity of body are three;-
        1.   ጽማዌ/Diverting Attention/Ignoring the World and its Chaos
        2.   ልባዌ/ Maturity/Consciousness/Seeking Knowledge and Wisdom
        3.   ጣዕመ ዝማሬ ሲሆኑ/ The Chants and Hymns

Those who made it to this level are symbolized by the farmer who reaped 30 times (Parable of the Sower). /እነዚህ ማዕረጋት ላይ የደረሱ ቅዱሳን 30 (ሠላሣ) ፍሬ በሚያፈራው ዘር የተመሰሉት ናቸው፡፡

II.  የነፍስ ንጽሕና (ማዕከላውያን) ማዕረጋት 4 ናቸው እነሱም/RIGHTEOUSNESS/CHASTITY OF THE SOUL (INTERMEDIATES)
        4.   አንብዕ(አንብዐ ንስሐ) /Tears of penance (repentance)
        5.   ኩነኔ /The gift of autonomy
        6.   ሑሰት/ The gift of love
        7.   ጣዕመ ዝማሬ ሲሆኑ/ The gift of omnipresence

III.  የንጽሐ ልቡና  ማዕረጋት 3 ናቸው እነሱም/THE CLEAN IN THE HEART(THE PERFECT ONES)
         8.   ንጻሬ መላእክት /The stage of seeing angels
         9.   ተሰጥሞ/ Complete immersion of the soul into light/absolute purity of the heart is reached
        10. ከዊነ እሳት/ The ability to see God in his mysterious existence of Holy Trinity (assuming the form of fire/God’s holy fire of light)

አሥሩ ማዕረጋት/መንፈሳዊ የቅድስና ደረጃዎች/THE TEN STAGES/LEVELS TO RIGHTEOUSNESS

v [1 Corinthians 15: 41] The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor.

v [Daniel 12:3-4] Those who are wise[a] will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.”

v [Revelation 12:1-4] A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born.

v [Matthew 13:8] Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. Whoever has ears, let them hear.”

v [1Corinthians 3:8-9] The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.

v [Psalm 51:12] Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

v [Proverbs 14:12] The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the upright will flourish. There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.

v [Matthew 16:17] Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not overcome it.

v [Romans 2:6]  God “will repay each person according to what they have done.”[a] To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil.

                   I.     የንጽሐ ሥጋ ማዕረጋት/GLORIOUS AWARDS FOR THE CHASTITY OF BODY

The glorious awards for the chastity of body are የንጽሐ ሥጋ ማዕረጋት ሦስት ናቸው እነሱም
        1)   ጽማዌ/ Diverting Attention/Ignoring the World and it’s Chaos
        2)   ልባዌ /Maturity/Consciousness/Seeking Knowledge and Wisdom
        3)   ጣዕመ ዝማሬ ሲሆኑThe Chants and Hymns
Those who made it to this level are symbolized by the farmer who reaped 30 times (Parable of the Sower).  እነዚህ ማዕረጋት ላይ የደረሱ ቅዱሳን 30 (ሠላሣ) ፍሬ በሚያፈራው ዘር የተመሰሉት ናቸው፡፡

The first stage of the entire process to righteousness and sainthood is ignoring the chaotic world and its terror towards the soul.
It is a deliberate shield formed against the negativity generated in the life environments.

Hence when one/saint achieves this level, then he/she loses interest in the affairs that no longer matter to that caliber.
Instead they spend their days with their

  • v With their conscious thinking and contemplating the magnificence of God
  • v With their noses smelling the fragrance of the heavens
  • v With their eyes admiring the marvelous nature and it’s ecosystem
  • v With their souls they identify and know and see when the soul is about to depart from the flesh
  • v They’re able to see the invisible fallen angels and identity them
  • v They are enabled to see the Angels of the Lord whenever they descend to earth to perform their duty
These saints at this stage can’t know the names, identities, purpose and language of the angels due to their level but not any physical means.
  • v Those who made it to this step are not subject to the ultimate penalty of life struggle hence don’t work in order to sustain life but are fed by the Holy Spirit the heavily Manaa and Quil. Again, due to the early stage they must fulfill the biological demands to get energy by eating.   But they can spend days without meal and water while praying for example Moses went to the Mountain in Sinai and spent 40 days and nights.......Exodus 9:9, 4:17-18 1John 2:15-17
  • v They never seek attention from anyone anywhere to be seen or heard by hunting podiums to read, sing/chant or talk to people
  • v They completely stop all their secular desires and transcend
  • Those who made it to this level are symbolized by the farmer who reaped 30 times (Parable of the Sower).

This is the level where one/the saint becomes very descent, conscious, knowledgeable and wise.

The stage is characterized by the following attributes of the saints

  • v They become fully accountable and answer to their souls only
  • v At times when others wish or plot their destruction, they pray harder than ever for perseverance
  • v They take all the battles to their hearts and conduct the fight consciously through wisdom and prayers
  • v They maintain the GRACE OF GOD GIVEN TO US in order not to lose it to their infinite secular desires (these include all the fronts of sin and crime that are commanded to be avoided)
  • v Even if they live in a confined environment where they have dejected themselves from the world, God provides them with everything they need instantly
  • v They are able to see and know where the souls of departing humans go
  • v They see the movement of angels in response to their duties: they know their destinations and names
  • v They see demons and know their purposes as to why they are at a specific place and time
  • v With exception of what only God knows and does, they have been granted the knowledge of everything under the sun.
Daniel 9:11-13, 2Corintians 12:1-7, Galatians 6:4

        3.  ጣዕመ ዝማሬ/THE CHANTS AND HYMNS
This level marks the absolute sacrifice of the new covenant in form of songs, hymns and chants by the saints to God from earth connecting all the way to the heavens.

v  The saints at this stage know and understand the secrets each and every prayer. They take about 3 decades to decipher the Lord’s Prayer due to its depth.
v  They never get tired of fasting, praying, QUMET and bowing
v  When they chant their voices sound like that of the Angels in the heavens
v  They praise, worship and honor God Day and night
v  They transcend and defy the orders of nature and hence never sleep, eat, drink and suffer fatigue. But in order to keep their humility and grace at its peak; whenever they are with other people they eat, drink and claim to be tired so that they don’t receive unnecessary praises and admirations that might render them proud hence lead to their downfall.
v  They are tested to the limit and challenged to go to people, teach, conduct liturgy and bring people to Christian principles instead grow more powerful than ever in spirituality
v  The reward is then given to them since they have defeated the temptations and glories of the secular world. Most significantly, they have prevented glorification from the crowed, acquisition of money and properties using the church and the faith.


At this state, the flesh is absolutely free fault and its desires. The soul is then freed and no sin is attached to it at any possible situation.
The unconditional grace of God is given to the saints who have achieved this position and the life of monk hood/nun hood/hermit is approved for rewards.
They are able to see and feel everything what ordinary humans can’t perceive, feel or see. The enlightenment and illumination of the secrets of the heavens and the earth is realized.
Nevertheless, the tests and temptations grow accordingly.
The temptations and tests include:-
·       Doubting the salvation
·       Need to leave the monastery
·       Leaving the blessings
·       Losing hope
Here, the need for perseverance, patience and faithfulness is the way out. The strength of faith is tested to the limit of sailing on high tide waves and making it to the destination without sinking. The grace of God then stays and continues to empower and transcend the person.
This level is symbolized by the farmer/sower who threw the seed on the good ground and reaped 60 folds/times the previous.

  1. እንብዕ (አንብዐ ንስሐ)/TEARS OF PENANCE (REPENTANCE)
  3. ፍቅር/GIFT OF LOVE

  1. አንብዕ (አንብዐ ንስሐ)/TEARS OF PENANCE (REPENTANCE)
The tears of penance is a gift that enables saints to cry and repent sins of their own and the sins committed by the people of the world.
v  They pray continuously without any disruption through their hearts and keeping their conscious and thoughts entirely with God. Hence they don’t involve tiring activities.
v  This is a mystery that resides in their hearts/conscious/spirit and hence helps them fight and prevent sins.
v  Their tears flow in remembrance of Jesus Christ’s passion, sufferings and death that was paid for our sins how the world is responding to it.
v  When freshly cut wood is thrown on fire, it burns while exuding the sup/water in it; similarly the saints at this stage undergo the same situation.
v  They think of the hell that would consume souls and the ungrateful to the gift of life and blessings of God by denying and defying His ways.
Mathew 5:4,
Luke 6:11,
Acts 10:1,
Romans 12:11

Autonomy is the ability of an individual to own, control and govern his/her life without any external influence

v  The autonomous person lets the soul to rule over the flesh. When the soul rules the flesh, the individual comes in direct and strong communion with God since the Breathe of God is activated 100%.
v  In human life, the will of the soul and the flesh are in constant conflict and battle (Galatians 5:16-17).
v  They are able to avert hurting others even mentally (thinking to hurt anyone in anyway vanishes).
v  They think of the penalty of life and the fall of glory which lead to the everlasting death.
v  Our holy fathers of the church teach us that those who made it to this level are ready to take up the cross and suffer for their principles.
Romans 7:15-18
1Chorintians 9:17
Galatians 5:14-16
Ephesians 2:1

This is a stage where the award is love given to and by everyone.

v  They are able to love everyone with the level that transcends boundaries and realities
v  They are loved by everyone since the very grace of God and the presence of the Holy Spirit provide wisdom.
v  They love everyone equally without discriminating or segregating or dividing the society into various social, political and economic classes.
v  They always remember the unconditional love of God through Jesus Christ and try to go accordingly. They have compassion fore everyone.
v  They pray for everyone and everything in the world: safety for travelers, faithfulness to those in astray, from sin to righteousness, healing for the sick, rain .......
v  They are loved and obeyed by the birds of the sky and beasts of the wilderness. They pet and instruct them as if they are cats, dogs and hens.
v  The rebellious demons obey and take instructions without defiance and preconditions.
v  Example: Abune GebreMenfeskidus, Abune Aklog of the Lionizing
Psalms 90:12
Mathew 5:33-38
Luke 6:16-20, 10:17
1Corintians 13:1-13

The his of omnipresence is the ability to be everywhere at one instance and knowing what’s happening elsewhere.
This is the last stage of the intermediate level saints.
The omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent natures of God are gifted to those who have the mysterious presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

v  The absolute obedience and dedication to God lead to the gift of divinity. Hence the gift of omnipresence.
v  They are able to know everything that happens while staying in the monastery.
v  The ultimate love from the mysterious and preceding Holy Spirit makes them mysterious.
v  They defy the limited nature of the 3D existence of humans by:-
      a)   passing through closed doors
      b)   traveling through space without any device or space shuttles at a speed of light
v  They go visit the heavens of Angels, the paradise of Adam and Eve, the World of the Living(The dwelling place of those who never tasted death)(ብሔረ ሕያዋንን), the World of Saints/Righteous(ብሔረ ብፁዓንን)
v  They are given the mystery light of shuttle(chariot) and the invisible gracious wings to cruise through space, the universe and the heavens.
2Kings 6:8-13
Isaiah 30:17-21
Acts 5:1-11
1Corintians 12:1-5

This is a stunningly amazing stage where the characteristic person becomes divine since the Sermon on the Mount says that “The clean in the heart are righteous for they shall see God.”

v  While saint/person is in the world of the living, the soul goes to the heavens. They flesh is in its normal function where the eyes see, the blood temperature is normal at the rage of 37 degrees centigrade. They never close their eyes like the dead.
v  Their souls go to the heavens, meet the Angels, chant in the praise of the heavenly language, be part of the eternal joy and return to earth.
v  The Angels rejoice for the souls and always want them to stay in the heavens.
v  These are symbolized by the farmer who throws the seeds on the good soil and gets 100 folds(times) the previous harvest.

  1. ንጻሬ መላእክት1.   / The stage of seeing angels
  2. ተሰጥሞ/Complete immersion of the soul into light/absolute purity of the heart is reached
  3. ከዊነ እሳት 1.   / The ability to see God in his mysterious existence of Holy Trinity (assuming the form of fire/God’s holy fire of light)

       8.   ንጻሬ መላእክት /THE STAGE OF SEEING ANGELS
Children until they start knowing themselves and start speaking are able to see and communicate with Angels.
The righteous that have made it to the level of ልባዌ/MATURITY/CONSCIOUSNESS are enabled to see Angels but while being on earth.
At this stage, the clean hearted are enabled to travel through the expanses either physically or with their soul spiritually.

v  They travel through expanses and go to the cities of Angels in the heavens.
v  They are enabled to travel through the expanses either physically or with their soul spiritually.
v  They listen to the chants of the Angels
v  They together with the Angels praise and chant for God by saying Holy Holy Holy.
v  They see the invisible Angels in form of physically massive clouds
v  They practically become like Angels
v  They see the cities of Angels and admire the creation of God.
v  They speak the language of Angels
v  They can be able to become invisible/disappear when evil spirit come to tempt them.
v  They are rewarded by the knowledge of secrets of the heavens 
  1 Corinthians 6:3
    Revelation 12:8-9
  1 Corinthians 13:1

The saints at this level receive the highest honor of the grace of God and behave completely Divine.
v  They seize to talk in the ways of the world and their mouths become completely silent.
v  They achieve extreme decency and live in the everlasting light of the Most High.
v  They come into real and complete happiness and joy for they have known and understood all the ways of life, secrets and mysteries.
v  They drown in the everlasting light of the ocean of Grace of God that makes us perfect.
v  The everlasting light washes their hearts in absolute perfection and delivers them to the level of “The Pure in the heart are righteous for they SHALL SEE GOD”!
Corinthians 6:10
  Philippians 3-1
  Ephesians 5:13-14
  Revelation 11:12-17, 12:1-5

This is the last stage of sainthood and righteousness that leads to the greatest rewards that can not be defined or explained verbally.
At this level saints clearly understand The Mystery of Holy Trinity which baffles and is extremely complex for humanity under no faith and divine connections.
  • The righteous shine like light on and around their bodies. Their entire body from head to toes shine.
  • They are not vulnerable to any human weaknesses such as pathogens. Since the fire body repels or consumes anything that is foreign to the body.
  • They ignore their earthly life due to their understanding and extreme knowledge of everything. This world no longer amuses them or sway them into any interest.
  • They reach the ultimatum of seeing and understanding the Mystery of Holy Trinity since “The Pure in the heart are righteous for they SHALL SEE GOD”! And this is the highest form of honor and reward for humanity. The most complex and complete knowledge, wisdom and and understanding of the definition of life and the mysteries surrounding it. But it is clearly impossible to see God by anyone including the Angels, but by His grace and will
  • God has been revealing Himself to humanity through various ways: as a King, as a Visitor..... and finally He came directly by incarnation through St. Mary the Mother of God as chosen by Him.
John 5፥5
Mathew 5፥8
John 1፥18
Isaiah 6፥1-8
Revelation 4፥1-11

                           ወስብሐት ለእግዚአብሔር!
                           Glory be to God!